Got much for God? me neither. So what does he want from us? Everything .
That's all.
  What will he do when you bring to him the little that's your everything? He will multiply it into feast for thousands. like he did for Philip. And his other brother Philip.
Let's read those stories

Mark 6: 7-13

Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits.
These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.  Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.  Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.”
They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.

Mark 6: 30-45

 The feeding of the 5000, read it and see.
  • Might Jesus have been using the food shortage (and his question, verse 38) "How many loaves do you have?" he asked. "Go and see." When they found out, they said, "Five--and two fish."
  • This lesson was so important for the disciples that Jesus had to repeat it again Mark 8: 1-10
  • Read Acts 8, about Philip. How does the lesson of the loaves apply here

Brief Debrief

These questions are for everyone who follows Christ. Whether fifteen or forty-five, we all frequently need to recommit ourselves and our resources to him. Dig deep and journal about them. Connect with others. Help each other process and pray through the questions and challenges. After you've arrived at some conclusions, continue praying for and supporting each other.
  1. What tempts you to think that you don't have what it takes it takes to accomplish God's mission? What do you wish you could do for God and others, but are afraid to do? What thoughts and emotions do you wrestle with?
  2. How many loaves do you have?(Be Honest.) How might God honor your small-seeming gift?
  3. What is he asking you to do for him or others this week? Why will this be of value?
  4. What will you bring to him, for his use?
  5. What support or resources do you need from others this week? What do they need from you?


Lord, when I let myself dream, I get really pumped about all the things I'd like to do for you, and for people. For example...(note them down my dear friend, dream with God)... He is listening.
  But I'm usually afraid that I don't have what it take. I hear what you want from me, and I give up before I start. To be honest, I am afraid you're unrealistic - that you want me to give what I don't even have.
  But you promise that that's not true. You just want what I have...everything I have. And as small as that seems to me, here it is. Here I am. As an act of faith in you, this week I will...[commit to one simple, stretching act of obedience]...
   I pray these things, too, for [name your partners], that they would courageously give you everything, and that you would provide confidence in your complete sufficiency through them.


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